[Results] Southampton Tri Club P164/10 - 20/07/2017

On the 20th July, 3C jerseys gathered to take part in the P164 organised by the Southampton Tri Club (STC). Em Warner was lucky enough to be born on the 20th July, so henceforth, the TT was known as "Em's Birthday TT"!

The course had a strong crosswind for first 5 miles and a full on headwind after Ipley Crossroads up the climb and all the way to the finish. 7 Riders from 3C were present 3 of whom made their first TT debut:

Caroline Cooil
Steve Lane
Ant Gahr

Excellent work to these three who did not have an easy first event!


Ian Sherin 25:36
Chris Shimman 26:53
Steve Lane 27:20
Ant Gahr 27:24
Simon Yearsley 27:35
Martin Angell 28:43
Emily Warner 31:46
Caroline Cooil 32:26

All riders had fantastic times. Special mention needs to be made to Ian, who after several weeks of injury, had a superb ride as one of the the first ones back on his bike.

All 3C riders were cheered on with the great support from other members of the club and their families. This goes to show what a fantastic club 3C has become!

To continue the birthday celebrations, the ride was followed up at the Drift Inn with cheesy chips, drinks and even a home made carrot cake courtesy of Em!

Fantastic effort all round and maybe a few new budding TT riders?!!

A few comments from the 3C WhatsApp group:

"⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Aren't we a lovely bunch. Was great to do something new with loads of support from everyone, especially those round the course cheering us on. 👏🏻 Might even do another one. 😂 👍🏻"

" As always a great 3c night 👍 🚴🏼🚴🏼🎂🎂🍺 and a great performance by everyone,, well done to you all 👍👍👍 topped with cheezy chips and gorgeous Carrot cake 🎂🎂"